Saturday, 31 May 2008

Gamer Soc

Jay and I have decided to start a gamer society for next year, so far for people who want to meet up play some lan parties, enter a few tournaments at Glo bar and even make their own games. At the moment we're looking for a minimum of 15 N numbers to make it all happen, you can sign up on the facebook group here. In the mean time I have developed these logos for your viewing pleasure.

gamer soc logos

Post me if you think you know where every letter from the word "gamer" comes from for the top logo.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Identities Down, SPP To Go

Several weeks ago I handed in my navigating identities project, I'm currently working on my SPP essay and end of year presentation. I think the second part of my ident project went a lot smoother than the first. With the avatar project I found my time was spent familiarising myself with 3DS Max, where as in the second I already had the experience and as a result spent more time actually developing and refining my work. Because of this I managed to actualise my original development plans. Regardless of my lack of Flash experience I had, I found I still knew everything I needed from David Downe's seminars and advice from peers and friends.

Monday, 5 May 2008

Box Progress

I haven't posted much on the progress of my flash box, so here it is. This is the chess game where you have to take 5 pawns in order to reveal 5 things about me. These include...

  • A drum kit

  • A song by my band

  • My avatar

  • Photos of me and some friends

  • A short profile about me

Here is the title screen...

This is the main interface...

Here is the short profile about me (check out the awesome blog URL)...

Everything is pretty much going according to plan, although I'm having a little difficulty getting sound to work. It appears AS3 focuses more of the use of externally sourced sound, all I can seem to find is this...

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("track.mp3");
var your_sound:Sound = new Sound();

EDIT (06/05/2008): After talking to Tom Pearson he quickly resolved this sound problem for me. It appears sound doesn't have to take part in action script, sound is simply dragged into frame and properties set to play or stop.