Thursday 29 January 2009


"Finally, now with exams finished, I've thought up a new project, called Vriesea. Which is a not for profit service aiming to offer internet 'facilities' and hosting to non-profit freedom of speech, internet related, music, media and other worthwhile projects. Thanks to Tim and Evo Hosting for helping out with a domain, I'll be reporting back with some progress in the near future."
- Phil Howell

A project Phil and I plan on starting under Hexademic New Media.

Restaurant Website Design Exercise...


You are required to produce a website with a minimum of three inter-related pages on the restaurant theme as described in Seminar 1. You have three weeks to complete!
The website can be static, animated and/or interactive. It can contain audio and film footage if required. It can be full page flash if desired but provide alternative accessible pages too please!"

I plan on producing a website for The Golden Fleece, a pub on my road that does good food and live music too. The pub seems to have strong connections with Nottingham's Left Lion, the local live music scene and also it has a strong visual aesthetic which gives me plenty to work with.

Once I've seen what's out there already, in terms of pub/restaurants websites, I'll go have a look around and take a few photos for inspiration...

PHP for Noobs

Thursday 22 January 2009

2 Projects I've been working on over the Holidays
Website for Hexademic new media.
Website for a dirty man challenge that I am taking part in.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Crowd Spring

While on Holiday in Slovenia I met various English people who now live there at a house party. In particular I met a freelance graphic designer who showed me something very interesting, an online market place called Crowd Spring ( Here potential buyers will post specifications for various projects they have going. Graphic designers, web designers, creatives etc. can get a hold of these specifications and submit their ideas, then the buyer will choose their favourite and pay the winning entry. These projects can pay out anything from $100 to several thousand dollars, so its certainly worth checking out.