Tuesday 15 July 2008

Microsoft at E3

I'm having mixed feelings about my xbox 360 at the moment. On the one hand GOW2 has never looked better and Final Fantasy XIII has been announced for 360, no longer a PS3 exclusive. On the other hand the new dash board is going to look like this. Players are going to have their own miis avatars designed by Rare and the new dashboard looks very "Vista". It is all too evident that consoles are increasingly trying to hold the attention of the casual gamer. To be fair this update isn't all bad, in fact there are a lot of good new features including integration with Netflix and faster load times. Perhaps I'm not feeling so mixed after all, I just really liked the classic "blades" dashboard.

Read the whole article on Kotaku here.

Edit 17/07/2008: Ok I take it back, the new dashboard looks great. Well I'm still not sure about the avatars but look at this...

new 360 dashboard

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