Thursday, 20 November 2008

Touch Browsing

Touch screens are evidently the future of computerised interaction, its simply a more natural ergonomic way of working with something. As a result designers, including myself, don't necessarily need to know how to produce touch screen software but design with it in mind. I need to start asking myself, how would somebody viewing this page on a Iphone or other hand held, receive this website? Obviously the first thing to consider is page sizes but there are several other issues to address such as plug ins, will this flash object be visible? Do I need an html version for other users?

It would also be wise to start thinking about developing a touch screen based Flash .swf or even an application, perhaps using something like Coco, as used by the Iphone. Currently my coding skills don't go far beyond html and css but it would be good to at least try and get involved in some of these exciting new projects by contacting the professionals who work in this field.

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