Thursday 13 November 2008

CSS Zen Garden

During a OEP seminar, Shaun Belcher was teaching us how to embed flash files into an HTML document. We felt this exercise wasn't particularly relevant to me (It's more than likely what ever site your reading this feed from has a Flash element already embedded in it.) so shaun showed me a site called Daves Notes. It features several online presentations about web design from more of a basic coding stand point. After reading through a few of the presentations I found they helped fill in the gaps in my understanding of basic web design (for example the difference between HTML and XHTML). What I found really interesting on Daves Notes was his links section, a web site called CSS Zen Garden. This website has a set of links that reskins the website with fantastic examples of CSS, it really shows you how much is possible with CSS. Perhaps sometimes we're to quick too use flash for presentation. Anybody interested in CSS, I strongly recommend you check this out...

1 comment:

Trailer Star said...

The ZEN of CSS Design: Visual Enlightenment for the Web
Dave Shea/Molly E.Holzschlag

is on your reading list Will :-)

great website glad you checked it out...