Tuesday 27 November 2007

One shot film: The Box

The box is the name given to my first film idea. This film appears to have stepped far from the boundaries of the brief but i think it is still an effective film. when making the box most of our time was spent with the lighting, it was important to light the environment whilst still keeping a dark and atmospheric mood. Another problem was shadows, as the camera over cast a shadow upon the actors.

Jay with light

After about an hour of setting up lights we found another problem, trying to get the voice over in time with the actions. in the end we used a recording of the voice over as a guide and re-recorded the voice over to fit the motions, this also improved the clarity of the recording.

Apart from straying from the brief i am pleased with the final outcome. the lighting works effectively lighting only what needs to be seen in keeping with the film noir style. Originally i did want the film to be black and white but the orange lighting was important as it was mentioned in the script. Jays voice acting is excellent apart from a few minor stutters, but this was only because he needed to rush some parts to keep in time with what was happening on screen.

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