Sunday 24 February 2008

Chess Board Concept

I'm finding this chess board idea more and more appealing, although this means I won't rule out any future potential ideas. The first thing that strikes me about the chess board idea is that when you first see it, it appears to be 2D (even though it will be a 3d render) then upon interaction the camera will pan about to reveal it is in fact a 3D object. As Shown.
chess board camera pan
Also by doing this the camera can go right up close to the chess pieces and make them appear huge, by going from a birds eye view to a worms eye view. This will make people question their initial perceptions, what appeared to be a normal chess board is actually a giant one. I like this idea because too often i find myself to judgmental only to realize the true value of something much later.

Another idea for my chess board is that in order to interact with it you must click on the squares that would be an obvious chess move. The idea behind this is not necessarily that you have to know chess to know me but that I like games and it is through games that I know some of my closest friends. Also I can represent a challenge and sometimes I think I can be challenging person.


Now I just need to think of some interactive pieces to put on the chess board. My idea is that upon clicking on the right squares the chess board panels will fold away to reveal objects that elevate out of the board, for example my avatar could be one of these objects . I know that I want a music player that plays one of my bands songs and a video player that plays one of my favourite films or a clip from a game because obviously media such as music, video and interactives are important to me.

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