Sunday 10 February 2008

Johnny Lee projector tracking and Wii-mote technology

In one of Deborah Tuck's lectures we were asked what potential infrared tracking had in our society, she showed us a video demonstrating this technology presented by Johnny Lee, a man who's work I had seen before and found very interesting. Here is the video...

The video shows how a projector can project a image onto a specific surface within a projection field at any angle. Johnny demonstrates various practical uses of this technology already, for example, a fully interactive drawing or writing tool that can be projected on to a board (with sensors for the projector to track from) or even a web browser. Also he has a plan photo of a city on a projection field that changes to a map view where a tracking board is held over it, making the map interactive much like in google maps but not on a computer screen.

In a more commercial aspect this technology could be used to project advertisements on to moving objects that pass by a projector field in a public space. The advantages to this being the image can be projected at any angel and various objects i.e buses or trains etc. could carry these tracking boards and a image could be projected on at stations and bus stops where vehicles would move more slowly.

You can find Johnny Lee's other amazing projects using a Nintendo Wii-mote here.

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