Thursday 1 November 2007

Pixilation Project

Here is the result of my pixelation project. The film was made using near 1500 individual stills and results in a 2 minute long film. The music is from Over Clocked remix and the action figures belong to my house mate Mr.Trow.

Over all I'm pleased with the film. It is a good sustained length and as a group we tried many different techniques and made an effective use of experimental processes. I have done pixelation before in my own time but never at this length or with so many different methods. This time I actively went about putting the footage in time with the audio, I feel this worked quite well, although I would have liked to use folie techniques but I didn't feel this would have been appropriate with the type of music I put with the film. The problem with putting video into time with music is its difficult to develop, if i wanted to change the music I would have to completely rearrange my footage or if I wanted to add a new effect I would have to re-sequence the film again with a new folder of images. Next time I should develop my work with short samples of film to compare and contrast my ideas.

1 comment:

DannyPeachey said...

great work will.nice working with you mate, and would be happy to work with you in the future