Sunday, 9 March 2008

Finished Avatar model, Original designs and bad internet

At the moment the internet where I live is terrible so I am unable to upload a bunch of video I was planning to post this weekend, it is most likely they will go live Monday when I can use the university internet. So for now I will post as normal and insert the relevent videos at a later date. Any way I finished my avatar model that you will see in the video below, its a short (about 10 second) video of the model rotating 360.

I am very pleased with the level of detail in the render but it still doesn't compare to my original concept pictured below.

original amnesia avatar concept

The 3d render still looks a bit cartoony but otherwise I am pleased with it, I feel I have come along way since my first master chief attempt. This render will only be featured in my final animation for a short amount of time. I plan on a camera quickly zooming into the avatars eyes to reveal a more surreal avatar.

1 comment:

Radical Ewok said...

Your profile picture is all splinter cell and shit yo. phat

i had a great idea. me you and tom stand in a row with you in the middle. you use me and tom as props so that you can do crazy gravity defying leg dance moves. something to think about.