Tuesday 22 January 2008

3D Studio Max

I've just starting using 3D Studio Max again, I had it home a few years ago and got very annoyed with it but this time with proper tutorials etc. I think I'm getting the hang of it. Its not what I initial expected at all, now I find many complex shapes can be extruded out from a sectioned cube, or at least this way works for me. I've been thinking in terms of extrusion, for example the biggest size cube I could fit inside a head and extrude it in various sections to make a 3D Portrait. Although the model making is almost as arduous and time consuming as i thought it would be, the animation seems a little easier as 3D studio max method of animation similar to "tweening" in Flash. On Monday I attempted to recreate a character called master chief from a game called Halo, my efforts were pretty much fruitless but I believe if I reattempt the model from scratch ever week a progression should be evident.
Here is my first attempt...

My attempt at creating Master Chief

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