Sunday, 27 January 2008

Scream Colour and Light

For a tutorial I had to take a photo that screams colour and light in response to a tutorial we had on colour theory. Here I have purposely put various contrasting colours in one photo, such as the green dog and the red sofa as well as the blue jacket and the orange sunburst guitar. These colours are lit up by a combination of outdoor (from the left) and indoor lighting (the surrounding right), I also turned the Christmas lights that still haven't been taken down yet. The colours are vivid and saturated (apart from the black and white poster, but this is given colour by the christmas lights).

colour and light, Alma on the sofa

1 comment:

Donna Massam said...

Hey.. Thats a pretty cool pic, i like how youve taken a different approach to all of the other images i have seen, using your own objects to complete the photograph, i also like how you haw the light coming in from the left side. It really works well.