Sunday 27 January 2008

Getting acquainted with my avatar

I'd been having a few problems with my second life account so In the mean Time I set up a Habbo Hotel account This is similar to Second Life but not quite as in depth, you can create your own cartoony avatar and go about a large hotel talking to other people or "Habbos". Below is my Habbo "Erebus Styx" who shares my internet pseudo name that I have used for the last 5 or so years.

My Habbo Dude

With my character I ran a little experiment, I approached a Habbo called emogrl525 and asked her about her avatar. I asked her if she thought her Habbo was a true likeness of herself and she said "of course". I then asked why she didn't want to make up a bizarre avatar like mine, she responded with "because that would be gay." then she left.

Eventually I got my second life account working where I was dropped into some sort of training area where new comers like myself learn all the skills needed to live in second life. Here I went through various tutorials and spoke to many other new comers who thankfully where just as clueless as I was. Unfortunately the tutorial has a flying section where the page up and down buttons are needed, as I have a Mac I don't have these buttons so I called it a day, I will need to complete this tutorial in the Waverly building. Below is a picture of my avatar "Erebus Tolsen".

My Second Life Dude

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